The great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness no one rejects dislikes avoids pleasure itself because it is pleasure but because know who do not those how to pursue pleasures rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful desires to obtain.
Read MoreA strategic direction for the EACCIA was agreed upon in 2006, outlining the role of the EACCIA, its vision and mission, as well as its future strategic objectives. The goals and strategic objectives still remain as the pillars of EACCIA and include:
- Trade Promotion and Facilitation, with a view to ensuring that the regional integration of East Africa is realized;
- Investment Mobilization;
- Improvement of the Business Environment in favour of the Private Sector;
- Promoting the dissemination of business information to the national chambers in the EAC member states.
Our consulting company, EACCIA Consulting Limited is a key regional player in business consulting and advisory services field within the Eastern Africa region; bridging gaps between the management approaches and its actual implementation plans. It is the consulting arm of the East African Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (EACCIA), the regional apex chamber which coordinates the work of the national chambers in the East African Community (EAC) member states. EACCIA Consulting services are grouped into three main categories: Business Advisory; Technical Consultancy; and Training and Development.
In principle, a vibrant national business sector and domestic private investment are the basis of growth in any economy. In practice, however, many developing countries and countries with economies in transition face shortages in domestic resources and therefore seek to mobilize external funds for economic growth, including for sustainable development. Foreign portfolio investments have been the largest source of external development finance at the regional and global levels, but foreign direct investment (FDI) accounts for the majority in the EAC member countries in addition to other external sources such as commercial bank lending, official development assistance (ODA) and remittances which can potentially be drawn upon. In order to increase the absolute level of investment funds directed to sectors related to sustainable development and multiply their effectiveness and impact, partnerships between different external and internal sources of development finance and investment are desirable, to benefit from and synergize their unique attributes. An important aspect of partnerships is that they are not only about financing; each partner has unique characteristics and attributes, including technological assets, managerial and professional skills or knowledge of the relevant sector or project. EACCIA supports its constituent chambers and corporate stakeholders to realize this.
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have become increasingly widespread for the implementation of infrastructure projects in many countries throughout the world. The potential benefits are especially attractive in less developed countries where public funds for infrastructure development are clearly insufficient to satisfy demand. In recognition of this, many African countries, including the member states of the EAC, are moving to create the necessary legislative and institutional framework to facilitate greater use of PPPs in infrastructure development. Promoting Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), particularly in the delivery of regional infrastructure programmes and projects, with a view to discouraging capital flight out of the region.
EACCIA Events Management Limited (EACCIA Events) is a company which was incorporated in order to provide specialized services in event management to its main shareholder, the East African Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (EACCIA), together with EACCIA’s key stakeholders (chambers of commerce, regional and international corporates). It is involved in the planning and management of all types of events and offers professional event planning services that include event management, event coordination, theming, décor & styling, conferencing, exhibitions & signage, entertainment and venue sourcing. Here are just a few of the many services which our event management company can offer for your special event.
Capacity building within the EACCIA envisages restructuring national Chambers, to enable them to adopt a regional rather than a national focus. The strategy calls for effective support services comprising training, consultancy and advisory services, marketing services, technological services, information dissemination, developing entrepreneurial skills, enhancing access to financial services and promotion of business linkages. It also calls for support learning processes, through study tours and trade fairs whereby enterprises learn from the experience of others; and conferences and professional meetings, on a regional basis.
Needed synergies should be developed to include supporting measures that ensures that EACCIA represents national chambers’ interests and that its representation is aligned to the changing East African private sector structure. In addition, it advocates for national chambers to be structured so that they can act on a regional scale, with EACCIA playing a leading role in promoting regional integration. The need to adopt a cluster approach across key sectors of the EAC economy are also be explored, as a means to ensure greater regional integration as this would help to reap economies of scale. In addition, a cluster approach makes it easier to promote the sectors at regional level and to explore areas of complementarities as opposed to competition, and ultimately to promote EAC as a whole.
Enhancing Regional Public Private Dialogue (PPD) and Partnerships where this seeks to enhance regional public-private sector dialogue and partnerships through refocusing public institutions so as to make them more supportive of private sector development (PSD), through stable and predictable policies and having in place transparent and clear business rules. In addition, it seeks to promote public-private consultative mechanisms by marshalling political will. Issues considered under this output include inadequate institutionalized public-private dialogue (including lack of a driver of the process); lack of a regional public-private sector dialogue framework.
EACCIA ensures that other constituent chambers are responsive and ready to deliver their objectives. The outputs to be delivered from trade facilitation are many and EACCIA is better positioned to handle issues that shall ensure that the environment in which national chambers are operating is conducive, to better serve their members. This seeks to improve the business environment through harmonization of policies, laws and regulations, so that the private sector can be competitive. Issues to be raised that cut across the region, as being prioritized during the intervention are how ready the EACCIA is in driving the following: Poor Trade Facilitation; Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs), such as weighbridges, customs documentation, non-harmonized standards, work permits, business licenses among others; inadequate skilled labour and entrepreneurship skills; and Illicit Trade.