The great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness no one rejects dislikes avoids pleasure itself because it is pleasure but because know who do not those how to pursue pleasures rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful desires to obtain.
Read MoreWill be a credible partner for government in the creation of a business environment.
Connecting the continent to
the international market.
Will be a credible partner for government in the creation of a business environment.
Promoting Agriculture
and value addition.
Will be a credible partner for government in the creation of a business environment.
Promoting sustainable industrialization
in the continent.
Will be a credible partner for government in the creation of a business environment.
Promoting public private partnership for
infrastructure development
Facilitating Business Since 2005
The East African Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (EACCIA) has been in existence since September 2005, when it was legally incorporated in Nairobi, Kenya. It was formally launched in Arusha, Tanzania, in February 2006. Its main objective, upon incorporation, was to lobby for the creation of a conducive environment for cross border trade and investment, within the context of the East African Community protocols, viz: the East African Customs Union and the East African Common Market. Broadly speaking, its main objective is to lobby the regional governments for the creation of a conducive business environment.

EACCIA will be a credible partner for government in the creation of a business environment conducive to the development of a strong private sector throughout the East African Community.

EACCIA Mission
Our mission is to strengthen the private sector in East Africa through influencing policy at national and community level.